Coming from an HP environment I'm familiar with having to clear iLO logs after hardware issues are resolved. Sometimes these logs don't resolve themselves and report phantom problems in downstream software, such as SNMP sensors or ESXi Hardware Status. The UCS equivalent to the iLO logs is the System Event Log.
Reference: UCS documentation on
To clear the logs:
1. Open UCS Manager
2. On the Equipment tab select the server/blade, then the SEL Logs tab.
3. At the bottom of the window there's options to export, backup, and clear.
If you want to backup the logs before clearing them, make sure the SEL Logs policy is defined first. Otherwise you can simply export them.
Now if you refresh your downstream software which is reporting the problems, the error is gone.
This is current as of UCSM 3.0(2d) and ESXi 6.0