November 09, 2012

FRx 6.7 on 64 bit

I have not look into installing FRx 6.7 Report Server or WebPort on 64 bit since it's still running on an old 32 bit server.  However, the clients being deployed and 64-bit so I made an attempt.

First, FRx 6.7 Report Designer is not supported on 64 bit systems.  Here are a few noted differences when installing Report Designer on 64 bit Server 2008 R2 (a Citrix environment):
  • .NET 1.1 & Sp1 need to be installed prior to installing FRx.
  • If using a shared location for SysData, be sure to make a backup copy (this goes for any installation).
  • The Service Pack didn't automatically point to the shared location for SysData.  I had to do this manually from within FRx Report Designer.
  • As usual, the SP installation need to run more than once as it only updates one feature at a time... even if it's just Report Designer installed.
  • When launching FRx, the error message below will appear.  Using Process Monitor I was able to determine it has something to do with a DLL for the Data Folder Migration Wizard being hard-coded for 32 bit processors and can be ignored:
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {47E7313F-9250-4C9C-A4A9-281889A3C289} failed due to the following error: 80040154.