April 02, 2013

Restore to NAS using Backup Exec 2012

It is possible to restore files to a nfs share on a NAS device without an Backup Exec agent.  I'm sure a backup source (or storage destination?) would work the same way, but I haven't tried that.  Some noted differences from a typical file-level restore:
  • Create a user on the NAS device with read/write access to the share.
  • Make sure the share is accessible from the backup server by mapping a drive using the account above.  This does not need to be a persistent drive.  You could just try accessing it too.
  • Create credentials in Backup Exec to match the user created on the NAS.
  • Select those credentials for the restore.
  • Set the destination as \\[ip address]\share (if desired).
Getting matching credentials between Backup Exec and the NAS took the longest for me to get figured out.